Friday, October 31, 2008


Do we have candy ready for tonight? NOPE
Do we know what we are going to do.. festival, walking our neighborhood, walking mom's neighborhood? NOPE
Oh well.
We will have fun anyways...
See the boys are already saving their energy..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The half years

You know, I have read alot lately that the half years (1 1/2, 2 1/2...) are the trouble times during a tots years. Whether it be a growing spurt mentally, physically, or emotionally.
D and G are totally in this together... D is getting through his 1 1/2 year spurt while G is full fledge into his 2 1/2 year spurt... and eventhough I want to nurture and be supportive while they go through this difficult learning experience...

I also want to yank their little tails into a knot.

It is killing me and it starts at 4am.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I still feel like crap due to a cold...
So you get pics.

I had a wonderful time this weekend!!! I love these people..

Monday, October 27, 2008


There are days when G shows me something in him that is so special and caring. He has such a nuturing side and I just know that his heart is so filled with love. Those days I just want to tell everyone how sweet and kind and caring my baby boy is. Even when I have to whisper all morning because he has put his sippy cup down for a nap and insisted that I keep my voice down... My admiration for his caring side grows because "AWWW"....

Then there are days like today.
He has pinned D on D's belly
He has pulled down his underwear
And he insists that he is going to "Pee D's back"

Poor D.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Someone loves me

I was tagged by Tracie. She loves me.

Here are the rules:
1 - Add the logo to your blog. DONE
2 - Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. DONE
3 - Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
4 - Add links to their blogs.
5 - Leave a comment for your nominees on their blogs!

Ok.. so 7 other bloggers... ok.. so I have already been through my friends with blogs on this site so no need to repeat that...
I am going to get out of this easy.. I am going to link blogs I love but can't do the I love this blog thing.
Here they are:

1) Office Tally - If you love The Office as much as me, you will love watching the deleted scenes. Last night was so good I had to tell everyone - THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.

2)Cake Wrecks - You know how many people get totally crappy cakes. Crappy. Here is some.. most of the cakes people send in. It is funny, until of course you see your own on there.. which I haven't.. YET.

3)NAUPA - unclaimed money people! Find yourself. I have found money for my aunt. Search for whoever you know!!

4)Preschool Learners - you can print out worksheets for your little one to work. Find age and 'subject'. If you have a 2 year old, you might have to wait a bit. Just test out where your child is and go for it!

5)Grave Finder - if you do ancestry stuff and are looking to verify dates or burial plots, go here. I love this place. There are people out there willing to go and get a picture that you don't need to drive to get. They send it to you. I have gotten 3 pictures back of my ggggrandfather and his brother and wife. I love it. And don't get all "this is so morbid" on me... people die... deal with it.

6)Dear Abby - who doesn't like Dear Abby?

7)Hulu - watch your favs... just check it out.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I ain't feeling that great today

thinking I might be coming down with a cold.
thinking I should have gotten out last night and gotten Zicam like J told me to.
thinking I ought to be at the store right now getting medi like I know I need to.
Instead, I will post this.

10 reasons I love being a mom. (Only 10. hum...)
(I stole this from Tracy)

1)The amazing first minutes

2)Cries so cute you can't help but laugh

3)First baby smiles

4)Watching the discovery of tub farts

5)Being the one that brings them comfort when they feel their worst

6)Watching them accomplish a feat.... and laughing

7)First Birthdays

8)Dressing them in what *I* want them to wear!

9)Allowing my heart to grow and grow

and last but not least

10)Knowing that the 2 I love the most, probably love each other the most

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Randoms.. again.. I love random posts

Ok... so when did G get all grown and stuff. Like a teenager with a not so respectful mouth?
"G do this.. do that"
Excuse me? It is no ma'am, and yes ma'am, and no sir and yes sir thankyouverymuch!

But I have found that this little bit has given me a slight advantage to his lying.
"G, did you go upstairs last night?"
that my friends is the truth

"G, did you take D's berries?"
no ma'am
that my friends is a big fat lie!

I have found shoes that I have to have (have you heard that before?).. obviously I am making out my Christmas and birthday list out on this blog.
I have to have these!
Specifically the Sprints in the slate-lichen color... size 39 for those who want to know.

See.. cute... and I could so wear them EVERYWHERE!!!

Me and the people on the Biggest Loser are going to have a face to face because I am right now HATIN' ON 3 people... Heba, Brady and Vicky... I have it in for you. That is all I will say so I don't make this post vulgar.

Go to
She is a friend from softball my whole life. Her little girl, Hannah Grace Wyatt, was born in May with Spina Bifida. They are great people and I know that little girl is in one of the best families she could be in.

Oh you want a pic of the boys? oh.. ok.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


After a week of getting up with G in the middle of the night to let him pee pee in the potty, we were on the verge of celebrating because "OMG HE IS GETTING THE HANG OF GOING BACK TO BED WHEN HE GOES POTTY"...

And we were proud that he went to bed last night after pottying a couple of times and didn't get up for good until 5:30 this morning when he came into our room with a sippy cup of water he had made himself. He gradually got up in bed to play like he does, handed his cup to his dad and out of the blue, he fell back asleep around 6:00.


"Do we need to put him back in his bed"
'Well, it is 6:00 and you are going to say bye when you leave for work, so he won't be sleeping long'
"What do we do"
'Let me get D up and settled and I will see what damage there is in the kitchen and we will wake him to tell you bye'

I know G hasn't been feeling well, so we just assumed it was because of this that he fell back asleep.

Not much going on in the kitchen.. water spilled from the faucet.. but overall nothing.

Then I see the marks on his arms... in purple.
'Dang it.. he must have gotten a hold of the dry erase marker in that drawer in the kitchen'

As the morning wore on, I noticed something out of the ordinary...
Me talking to myself, I said
"Well, this is strange.. I could have sworn this was upstairs with the baby stuff I am sorting to sell. It is a formula seperator and we really don't have a need for it now"
"Did they play last night upstairs while I was at mom's? J didn't say they did.. hum"

"I better take this back up there."


Toys on the stairs
Things I was putting away for safe keeping scattered.
purple permanent marker with top off...
packing tape playing with

Thankfully, he didn't go on a rampage drawing with that marker except for on himself.
Thank goodness.

I demand a refund on the baby gate we put at the bottom of our stairs... apparently it is too easy to figure out.

I wonder how long he played last night.

Then I see those faces...
And it all becomes funny. And I pray that the girls are taking turns throughout the day being the boys guardian angels.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Zoo Boo

We went to our local zoo last night where they had their annual ZooBoo. Stations for children to trick or treat, magic shows, a dance pavallon, rides, and a costume contest. We had no intention of entering this.. but when I asked G if he wanted to and that he would have to put his hood up, he immediately did and wanted to walk on stage then.
It was cute. We didn't win and that is fine. We did oh and ah the crowd though. They got a kick out of seeing them. I don't have pics of them standing on the stage.. I will have to get them later.

Here is a Halloween teaser though.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

4 freakin' 30

That is when J and I got woke up.
We are not sure when G actually woke.

G came into the bedroom at 4:30 hoping J would open the fruit leather he loves so much. He was sadly mistaken.
"G! Get in bed. It is still night night time. You go right back to bed after you go pee pee!"

I get up to pee after hearing all of this.
J is staying in a dreary state and just uttered "come'ere"

As J and I gradually walk, I am sure he is going to show me that G has took a poop the size of Texas in the dog food bowl or something.

I was wrong.

What did I see...
a chair pulled up the kitchen counter
2 steak knives laying on the counter with 2 innocent straws in its wrath
2 empty water bottles on the floor
water on the floor
a sippy cup full of water
pants and underwear water soaked
remnants of a yogurt cup in the sink
the top to said yogurt cup in the sink
a dirty, yogurt stained spoon in the sink
6 dum dum wrappers in the sink
6 clearly eaten dum dum sticks in the sink
a coffee pot full of chocolate creamer, white cream and extra grounds
a coffee filter full of grounds and white creamer
2 used pool water test sticks
a half empty bottle of children's Tylenol
birth control pill case in pieces (all pills accounted for)

then I walked into the bathroom
Bag balm (we put it on D's dry skin) open and partially used
2 q-tips.. apparently used
toilet paper in the trash
lotion in the trash

we went to bed and J is wired because he is literally freaked out... in my 4:30am state of mind, I am laughing and can't quit smiling because "OMG, I can't believe he picked up his yogurt after himself."

"J, I can't sleep now..."
"If you are staying up, I am going back to sleep."

J is now debating a 24 hour kitchen watch and motion detector alarms around the house.

I am just impressed that he cleaned up his yogurt AND that he didn't wake up D to join in the fun.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I just HAVE to have this

Ok, so a little back story. Most people know, our boys got their name from famous singers. GAVIN Rossdale because 1) he is hot (my reasoning) and 2) he has a hot wife (J's reasoning). I mean, who graduated in the 90's and didn't listen to Bush? Sixteen Stone is on my iPod as we speak/type.
Bob DYLAN because J won't succumb to me calling him Corgan... but also because look at this man whose name is not actually Bob Dylan. He has done a tremendous amount of stuff in his life. Some not good, but some really amazing things. Just click on the name about and read... I am not going to word for word repeat Wikipedia, but he is like I imagined D would be in the womb.. heart of gold, talents insurmountable, and all with the firecracker attitude to push every envelope he came across... all of this while making history.

Boy.. I must of had a sixth sense...

Anyways, back to the reason for the post.
I want THIS. "May you grow up to be righteous. May you grow up to be true."
It will go straight into his "time capsule" and given to him when I feel he is old enough to care for it... like 20something and married... so I can actually entrust it to his wife.

Maybe I also out to try to find all the Rolling Stone covers that they were both on.. buy them and include them in the time capsule too... hum...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Newest Family Member

So, my brother found this baby girl furbaby was being tormented by the neighborhood kids. She brought it to my granny's house Sunday hoping that 1) either my granny wanted a companion or 2) my aunt, who has connections at Guardian Angel Pet Rescue could find it a home.

She still has puppy breath.
She is so smart.
She is a total mutt.
I think my granny took a liking to her. She was being called a lazy heifer before we left and my granny only usually holds that for those she holds dear.
My granny has named her Honey.

Welcome Honey.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My swap package arrived

So she was having a swap thing and I got in on it. We were to put together some of our favorite things and send it to someone she assigned to us. I sent mine here... and this awesome chickie sent this to me.
Everything here reminds her of New Zealand.

Can I just say.. yum.
I have to admit though, I shared a little. J has a co-worker that is from New Zealand and I thought I would kinda cure some homesickness and send her a pack of those Arnott's. Not both, I was trying to be nice.. not crazy.
I am going to have to try the way she fixes her baked beans in tomato sauce. She sent a very nice letter explaining her favorite things... I unfortunately didn't with my package... because I suck.

Thank you Karen. I have really LOVED your favorite things.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Biggest Loser recap and pee and stuff

So, The Biggest Loser was extended into last night because of the debate/battle royal that ensued on Wednesday.
I won't go into the debate, but with The Biggest Loser.. I FINALLY SAW SOMEONE GO HOME I REALLY WANTED TO GO HOME.

Now for the peeing and stuff. We have been putting G down for a nap without a diaper and although it has cut his naps a tad short, he has been staying dry. WHOOHOO.
He started something new last night.
7:30 - night night
1:00am-ish - whiney, playing with toys,.. we go in there... he has taken his clothes and diaper off and it is a tad damp... new diaper and new clothes at your service...
It took him a bit to get the hang of "IT IS STILL NIGHT NIGHT".. but alas, he went down.
2:30am ish - whiney and out of a diaper again... change and go back night night.. diaper feels like it had a dribble on it.
4:30am - whiney and AGAIN out of a diaper.. rinse and repeat.
7:00am - up and naked to start the morning...

Never since he emerged from the womb have I ever been through 4 diapers with G during the night. Even days old, he slept more than he did last night... and went through less diapers.

Now I wonder, since he has been fighting putting a diaper on at night, is him "feeling the urge to pee" during the night waking him? Should I pull a John and Kate Plus 8 and put his potty in the rooms during night night? Was this a fluke thing or a new improve G model that I might have to learn to deal with now?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Flu shots

Well, today is flu shot day for the boys. When it comes to flu shots for the old people in this house, the opinions and reactions vary. J can get a flu shot and be just fine. He gets one every year and I don't think he would go a single year without one. I, on the other hand, got the first I can remember back in 2003. I prepped before by taking Tylenol and everything they tell you to do. I was sick as a dog within 24 hours. Of course, when you are preggo, they "really suggest/make you" get a flu shot. I did with D and G and was sick until they were born and could actually take something strong to rid myself of the illness. I hate flu shots and will NOT get one unless I am pregnant. Period.

Now, how will my little men handle it? Hopefully it won't bother them, like their dad. Last year, they just slept for a day and I fed them Tylenol to try to ensure them not getting too sick.

They might have to go get a free McDonald's ice cream after this visit.. shhhh don't tell dada..

How do you handle flu shots? Do you get them?

Monday, October 6, 2008

T is for TIRED

We are exhausted... but a good exhausted.
We had a good time at the wedding this weekend. It was gorgeous. It had a fall theme and was beautiful. CONGRATS AMY AND CLINT.
When I get pics I will post.

We got to see Mammy and got some more toys and clothes. How great, and couldn't be at a better time since G can clearly not fit into 18 month pants anymore. They are just too short... but his waist is like a 12 month... so we went to buy some more cinch waisted jeans for our skinny minny.

We did some shopping and spent some great time with Uncle Berek and KaKa and Pops. The boys always come home worn out!

2 times, G accidentially took a nap in his big boy underwear and both times, we were so worried about the amount of washing we were going to have to do after those naps. The funniest one was during the wedding and reception.. G was sound asleep, in underwear on daddy's chest. Dada decided to put a diaper between G and him for a "just in case" measure. No need, G didn't mess at all. Then again on Sunday... for like a 3 hour nap. So proud...

Last night on our way home we made one stop to pee pee and G did great. About an hour later, we hear from the back of the car... (in a half asleep stupor)

Honey, wait baby, we will stop as soon as we can. Just hold it.. you are doing good... just hold it... *he proceeded to look at me like I was crazy*

1 mile later: Just hold it baby.. you are doing great. We will stop as soon as we can... don't fall asleep baby.

another 1/2 mile later: We are almost there baby.. wake up G.. J, I think he has peed, he is relaxed enough to be sound alseep.. We are almost there baby... just hold it.. G, wake up G, wake up baby..

another 1/2 mile later: We are here baby, G wake up....


We put on a diaper for "night night" in the car and he was NOT HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!!!

I am so proud. *sniff*

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I ain't talkin' about the biggest loser this week...

All I will say is that one person got kicked off. Yep, they are starting to split teams and the oldest and sickest guy got kicked off. :(
Bye Jerry

I have been going through a bunch of old baby stuff and selling them. So far we are doing great with getting stuff out. I have started going through baby clothes and seperating them and itemizing and all that good stuff. Of course the boys are totally curious. It is funny to watch G put on 6 month stuff and walk around in 'pants' that look like biker shorts. lol.

I am also thinking about chopping my hair off. You know, need a change and don't want to deal with the same long hair I have dealt with since... oh.. BIRTH.
Here is a couple of dos I have been considering... not sure if I could pull 'em off.

Opinions?? Does short hair make you look fatter than you are? Or thinner?

This will be my last post for a few days. We are heading back out tonight.
Have a great weekend all.