Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Random

-So tomorrow I am 7 weeks. I was worried because I was not sick or hungry or anything... well, except the fact my boobs felt like they were going to bust off my chest (totally weird.. my boobs have never hurt), but hunger hit me hard yesterday and getting sick hit me hard this morning... in fact, it woke me up... makes me feel more positive about everything... Still can't wait to get the ultrasound on Friday for my own reassurance.
You know...
Maybe that means this baby is a girl and she is going easy on me....


Please, anyone knows that any little girl born from CASEY HILL WHITEAKER is not going to be easy on anyone. Or...
Maybe she will have Ja's temperament. Wishful thinking all around.

-Ja's cousin is due the month before me and last Thursday they found out it was twins. I thought I was told they were fraternal, but I just saw the ultrasound and they totally don't look like fraternal to me. They look more Monochrionic Diamniotic identical or Dichrionic Diamniotic identical to me... but I am not a doctor. If I had to pick, it would be the Di-Di identicals because they are not in the Twin/Twin Transfusion Syndrome high risk group.

-You won't be seeing any Week 11 House updates this week... due to the monsoon that was here for 8 dadgum days, they weren't able to get much done. I will definitely have pics for you next week. All they did get done was the hardwood....

-I am going to see what pics Kaka and Pops have on their computer...

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