So I was in my bedroom folding laundry and in walks D... the minute his baby feet can be seen from under the bed I hear hissing and snarling...
Powder... aka The white devil.
He is nicknamed this for 9 years now due to his random attacks on people.
D heard it too and bent down by the bed to see and before D could get all the way down...
Powder attacked
D screamed
I kicked
He punctured D's lip... claw went in through the lip by the nose and came out the bottom of his lip... the hole was torn a little making it hard to keep closed.
I cleaned it up and put 2 sterile surgery strips on it and finally got it to stop bleeding.
We have not decided what we are going to do with the cat after this. He just may have to go to a home without little ones because he really is not a baby cat.
So injury #4 - Cat Attack
Incident #5) LOOK OUT BELOW
Ok... so we are building the fence and through that, blocks of 2x4's and 4x4's have been cut and those scrap pieces, well, the boys have been using them for building blocks around their play set.
Today, they decided they were going to play by throwing them up into the play set... it was doing fine for a while until G decided to get up in the play set and get D to throw pieces up to him... D threw one, G flinched and turned away and BOOM, it hit G upside the back of the head.
It was a total accident and G even said it was... he got a knot on the head and some loving from me and D and I THOUGHT all was good.
Apparently, G was still holding a grudge.
They run back to the play set, G sprints up to the top, gets a block and runs out pissed and as hard as he can, throws the block down and hits D upside the head. D starts walking to me screaming... I thought he would just have a knot too...
I saw blood pour down the side of his head.
I wigged out.
Once I got the wood out of the wound and cleaned everything up, I realized I was going to have to shave part of his head to get the butterfly and sterile strips to stay... because it was opened up, he needed them.
So injury #5 - G threw a block at D.
D is really not having a great Spring.