I went to Ka-Ka, Nana, Tracy, and Jenny to watch New Moon on Friday at 10am. I loved it! It rocked! Of course, I am prolly considered a Twihard, so I guess it doesn't count what I think. I do think it is better made than Twilight.. I will say that. And I think they set it up great for people to want to rush to see Eclipse... which comes out June 10th.... yes, it is already on my calendar.
D is sooo not wanting to potty train. He goes to the potty and actually does something once in a blue moon. I know he has to be ready, because he is waking from 3 hour naps dry. The boy just doesn't care about being wet or dirty... but he is HATING diaper changes... so I guess that is something in our favor.
G has cut out his naps. *sigh* Enough said, right.
The docs and nurses keep asking if I am feeling any flutters or movement at all.. NOPERS... I was starting to worry, especially since I saw in the last ultrasound how much that little man moves... then I saw the ultrasound tech type in "placenta-anterior"...
I guess little bit will spend this pregnancy kicking his nutrients rather than me.
I have started the process of going through all the baby stuff we have... You would think with as organized as I am, I would have sold things more consistently... why do I have 3 changing pad covers.. but no changing pad?? Very weird.
Half my Christmas cards have gone out.. half have not and you have NO idea how much that bugs me. But at least I am almost done with the shopping and wrapping!!
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