Me and J have decided instead of letting each other sleep in... we are going to take the boys once they wake up and we are going to walk a daily walk until it is time for the boys to eat and time for J to get ready for work. I mapped it out and it is approximately 2.1 miles that we walk every morning. We have come to love it and the boys can't wake up fast enough to go out. In the afternoon we give the boys and option to go swimming or walking another 2 miles... mostly, they opt for swimming.
Speaking of swimming... D is a waterbug. Right now we have him in a stage 2 water float suit.... but even in it, he jumps into the pool not stop and sinks to the bottom and comes up cackling... he loves it and loves being under water. I think we are going to put him in stage 3 arm floats... G on the other hand would rather just float, watch, and follow people around. His hair getting wet is really not a option he would like to consider.
OH.. and does anyone know what a Code Adam is? I didn't... until our little trip to Walmart.... it did something to my heart when I heard "Code Adam, Code Adam, approximately 3 year old male, blonde hair, khaki shorts, green polo, and blue flip flops last seen in baby clothes running in direction of home and garden... I repeat, Code Adam." then you see security come out of nowhere and lock down exits and entrances.... and you swear the whole time you are going to whoop the dog mess out of him because he ran off and hid from mommy and daddy.. then the Walmart employee brings your baby to you and he is off his rocker in tears of fear... so you don't whoop him and give him a stern talking to... then he does it again at church that night... nice right.
Also, the first week you didn't hear from me, J's great aunt was in the hospital have issues with breathing. She is fine now, but it kept Ka-Ka hopping.
Then last Thursday night came along, which was the day before we were due to leave for Memphis for an all day wedding and boom.. Dad called and lets us know that they were admitting my mother into the hospital and running a CAT scan, ECOcardiogram, and blood work because her blood pressure shot up to 205 over something.... when those showed nothing, Friday morning, they did an MRI and MRA to make sure the high number didn't cause any kind of stroke or anything... needless to say, we headed out as soon on Friday as we could. They ended up releasing her on Friday evening with 2 scripts for her high blood pressure with nothing more of a reason than she was 54 years old.... nice right.
All in all we had a great time during the weekend spending time with family and friends that are close enough to be family... the wedding was beautiful, the bride was gorgeous. Period.
We got back and our goal of wearing the boys out everyday was working... until yesterday... G's fever spiked up to 102 off and on all day... then at 8pm, spiked up to 103... we ended up getting it down with a bath, but at 1am, it was now spiking at 104.3... while J and Berek were getting ready for a ride to the ER, I was sponging G down with a rag and getting him to drink water.... Thankfully, after they took blood and urine, they determined it was just a virus.. but unfortunately it has to run its course and we just have to keep dealing with the fever... they didn't expect it to last more than a few days....
Good thing too because we are heading to Dollywood on Monday... we won't be back until extremely late Tuesday night, then we are heading out again on Saturday the 4th and heading for Gulf Shores... we won't be back from there until the 11th.
Oh, and the house...
everything is waiting on go... they have strung up framing on where the house is going to go on the lot, permits are in place, everything is waiting on Earl to get back from vacation....
I know, right
Anyways, because we have to have a septic system, the county has to approve the field lines on the lot in conjunction with where the house will sit... Earl is the one who approves, and once he gets back from his vacation, he is going to be behind... they don't expect anyone to start anything for another couple of weeks... so hang tight.
and because I always like to see pics... and since I am not on my computer doing this... lets see what pics Ka-ka and Pops have of the boys....
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